Thanks for five years of Monday fun & photos
Let’s talk about “growing pains” for a moment (and I don’t mean your favorite ’80s TV show…blecch).
No, this is about how five years into hosting “the best of cutting edge music + performance every Monday night” I am still experiencing growth issues because the Los Angeles (and national) underground music scene keeps getting bigger and bigger and…
It’s hard to keep up with you guys—you do a lot.
And a lot of that is AWESOME. It can be a bit intimidating.
But I’m not afraid.
In fact I’m grateful to be growing, and very appreciative of your support.
Last week, Deseret Rodriguez came to work at SEANCARNAGE.COM and she has been amazing. With Des’ help I’m almost all caught up with my postings, etc. Except for show photos from these last four whirlwind weeks.
So…this is it: THE BIG PHOTO DUMP!
After the jump you will find links to pics of all your favorite events and bands from July and August.
Please share these photos…I wish I could write in details about every event (they were all uniquely incredible).
But right now these just need to be seen. Can you tell this was a busy month? Thanks to Kyle and Mikhai for all their help, and thanks to Pehrspace, too.
7/5/10: Bizzart/Skrapez/Walter Gross, Evolve, The Symbolick Jews (click for gallery)
This was like some sort of drug binge where all the players looked like cartoons and the music sounded as if it it was playing at the bottom of Bugs Bunny’s pool. Technicolor underwater sounds.
7/12/10: Kid Infinity, Myths, Professor Calculus, Hyena, Casa Fantastica, DJ The Dirty Mop (click for gallery)
This show featured a pre-3D Kid Infinity tearing it up and insane strobing vocals from Myths.
7/19/10: No Paws (No Lions), Eyes, Jesus is Angry, Cocklords (click for gallery)
Another mind-trip here that was equal parts hostile emotions and soothing reassurances. I think I need a prescription…
7/22/10: Bro-Mags, Cysts, Hawnay Troof at The Smell (click for gallery)
“Legalize acid”?! Not what I was asking for but, yeah, sure. I will do anything the Bro-Mags say after this scorching performance. Also, Hawnay Troof got so real between songs (“some of us come have experienced some dark dark shit”), I am still thinking about his words a month later (no joke).
7/26/10: The Emotron, Mikki & the Mauses, Wet Mango, The Tleilaxu Music Machine, Organ Trail (click for gallery)
Revenge of the mutants, part XVCIII: The Emotron is coming back very soon so I hope you don’t miss him—his demented pop sticks with you and his image is hard to shake. D. Bene Tleilax and Wet Mango stole the show, however. L.A. rules!
8/2/10: Monday’s 5th Birthday w/ Guns ‘n Broses, MC Peter Moran, Justice Yeldham & more (click for gallery)
This night was a tribute to all Monday supporters and DJ Kyle. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. It was like a giant Monday reunion—friends everywhere you looked.
8/7/10: TETRICIDE closing party w/ Baseck, Juiceboxxx, I.E., Graffiti Monsters (click for gallery)
I love the TETRICIDE kids! Walt, all the artists, the fans…too fun. I hope you got to experience this amazing show!
8/9/10: Essay, Amir Coyle, Xenia Shin’s bday, Pehr mass marriage (click for gallery)
There’s no divorce court at Pehrspace so Pehr weddings are FOREVER!
But on a slightly more serious note, happy birthday once again to Xenia Shin who’s been there the whole five years. Thanks also to Essay (Peter & Renata), and Amir Coyle for delivering the funnest, non-anniversary show of the entire summer? (I shouldn’t pick favorites, but I did love this night a lot.)
The truth is, even after five years it’s always getting better.
With that in mind…Don’t miss this Monday
Sean Carnage presents…
11:40 Skyline Electric
11:00 Ghost Animal
10:20 Total Fang (ex-Mutators & Night Wounds)
9:45 Max Beast
Doors @ 9:30pm / all-ages / $5
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
See you there!
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