A threesome that was pure magic: Danimal, Tom of Finland & the L.A. underground music scene
It’s one week after SEANCARNAGE.com’s debut party—The Art of Danimal at the Tom of Finland Foundation—and I wanted to say a hearty “thank you” to every person who helped out and/or attended.
It took a little bit of time to recover because this was a massive effort. A swarm of volunteers from the ToFF and Sean Carnage Monday Nights rehabbed Tom’s back patio, curated an original art show, brought in music and catered food, and hosted a five band rock concert all on the same night.
And you know what? It was a huge success thanks to you!
People in New York or Berlin do fancy schmancy art and music parties and make a big deal about them.
I feel like we one-upped them in L.A. We had the coolest music, the best art, and the best setting (Tom of Finland’s house fer chrissakes!) and we did it totally chill and casual and unpretentious. There were no liquor sponsors, no Paper Magazine, and there was no BS.
With a great team of friends like we have, we can do anything we want to do.
Here’s Mikhai Tran and Tom of Finland Foundation president Durk Dehner with a stack of Danimal screenprints for each attendee. Durk used to be Tom’s muse, and his smiling, handle bar mustachioed face appears in a lot of the late master’s work. Durk was an amazingly wise and supportive force these past few weeks. He also dressed me up in leather for the very first time—that was exciting.
Here I am in leatherman gear with ToFF vice president Sharp. Sharp guided the whole week’s work and was just a wonderful dude to hang with. Ah—I am getting sad this is over (for now).
We brought my new PA in for Kyle Mabson to jam on. I think it sounded spectacular, and so did the Tom of Finland Foundation guys so that made me very happy. The cops came at one point (they had no legit beef—it was still light out!). The officers blended right in to the crowd of booted dudes. Ha.
Here’s a glimpse of the extensive renovation we did in Tom’s back area. We stripped and painted everything, and then the ToFF volunteers decorated with cut-outs of Tom’s infamous drawings. It looked like a gay bar outdoors. Swank!
I wish I had more pics of all the leather dudes serving beer and mingling with all the L.A. rockers. Things quickly got hectic, and I got caught up in the excitement—it was hard not to.
Here’s Danimal, the man of the night. His band Gay Beast is soo good. And he’s an amazing artist on top of that. His work got raves from everyone, and plugged the ToFF into a whole new thing.
Over 80 people came to the party which was the perfect number for Tom’s charming Craftsman-style home. Moms, dads, gays, straights, rockers, artists…it was the best mix.
Besides all the amazing artwork on the wall, the Tom of Finland Foundation collects fetish and uniform gear of all types. You gotta see it to believe it—there’s stuff everywhere.
Yes, this is Tom’s house and everything’s a bit sexier here.
My old Unzipped co-worker AJ Epstein showed up. He knew Tom of Finland in the 1970s and ’80s and took what is perhaps the most famous portrait of the man. He gave the party a thumbs up which made me really happy.
Here we are—back at the beginning. Literally. Despite all the hard work (and hard partying) at the Foundation, there was a vast crowd waiting at Pehrspace. We zoomed down there and here’s what we found…
Total pandemonium (and a fantastic show)!
I said it before and I will say it again: Thank you thank you thank you.
No one ever tried anything like this before. You took a risk and attended and made it a success. The sky’s the limit now. Watch for more!
See the complete Art of Danimal/Tom of Finland party photos here
See the Gay Beast, XBXRX, Sisterfucker, Raw War, NASA Space Universe pics here
Read about Danimal & his amazing screenprints
Read an interview with Raw War & Sisterfucker
Read about NASA Space Universe & hear some new songs
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