Monday recap: Peter’s Poolboys de-pantsed
As soon as this Peter’s Poolboys showcase (featuring Essay, Whisky Dick, I.E., Bongo Fury, Voice on Tape, and DJ Vegan Share the Road) ended, people were coming up to me and saying it was the “show of the year so far.”
As you can see from the photo above, this past Monday was incredible. Great new music, hot people, forced nudity…we had it all.
Voice on Tape have always been amazing, and they somehow keep getting better. Lou’s voice is so wonderful to listen to—deep, sensual, vulnerable. Morgan and Isaac add just the right amount of embellishment. God bless these three for showing up early, too. We got this show started on time (9:45pm sharp—mark that down!) and their excellent music set the bar high for the whole night.
DJ Vegan Share the Road gave a multi-part lecture on the band Megadeth. And when I looked around, no one was paying attention except me and Fred “Demolisten” Kiko, aka “the old people.” D’oh!
I.E. totally rocked! Margot’s been so busy with school and recording an album, I didn’t expect a full show. But here she was with more glowsticks than ever and what sounded like a new song…? I didn’t take too many photos. Instead I video’ed it for a future documentary. Watch for that—this was one of I.E.’s best performances!
Bongo Fury, from Denver, was just magical. This was not rock music or noise music but a kind of Indian/Middle Eastern/American hybrid music. The keening sounds and intense rhythms really hit me hard, and when I closed my eyes, I felt miles from Pehr and L.A.
Read my interview with Bongo Fury’s Tripp Nasty—I’m really proud of this.
Essay are Renata Raksha and Peter Moran who organized the bill. They had just returned from a tour…to find their apartment trashed by the landlord. Eek. So when they performed this night, they had this “nothing else matters” kinda vibe. And they were killer—just so good. Their music is a really clever distillation of electronica and their presentation is terrific. “Hot tall people with shiny skin and minimal clothes”—that’s what they say in my documentary video abou the group (watch it here). Then I joined them on sax and Kyle de-pantsed Peter…it got crazy. And that just made things better.
Then there was Whisky Dick—my “collabo” (not really—we didn’t even rehearse) with Whitman and Kyle Mabson.
This was “slam poetry with a side of jazz.” Whitman broached some controversial topics and made people think. Kyle and I kept it classy. This was a weird end to a great night, so I hope you enjoyed it.
See the rest of my exclusive videos here—no one else is documenting modern music quite like this!
And don’t miss this week’s show:
Monday, May 31
Sean Carnage presents…
A “homecoming” with
Former Ghosts
Bitches (UK)
Nicole Kidman
Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
See you there?
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