Monday re-cap: The night we got Slimed
This past Monday was like a strange drug trip—without (many) drugs. Slime Queen, Güf Trüp, Whitman (with guests Jon aka Nicole Kidman and Rich from Clark 8), 400 Cloaks, Let Go Of The Rail and—especially—DJ Marajuana Weed all have a intoxicating effect on the central nervous system.
Caught between the odd lights and odder music I felt…a weird sense of calm and peace. Maybe it was the immersion in the Queen’s Slime. But all week I’ve been relaxed, easy-breezy and chill.
I don’t know what these folks slipped into my Monday Night experience, but it’s been wonderful!
No! Don’t leave us Slime Queen! You abandoned us too soon.
Musically, visually—scatologically—Slime Queen (from the Bay area) are at the leading edge of underground expression. The music was great—drifty, ambient, “cool” in the truest sense of the word. Coupled with their body wraps and face make-up, Slime Queen made for an intense experience.
They are kinda like if Lucky Dragons played a really great set and then pooped on your floor. Do you now understand how awesome Slime Queen was? I can’t bring myself to wash it off.
Güf Trüp are three Monday regulars who also happen to be a kickass group. Reminding me slightly of early ’90s Michigan noise provocateurs Gravitar (minus the drums and, uh, the guitars), Güf Trüp combine power-ranting with powerful electronics and the end result is POWER POWER POWER. Whew. I think I need to sit down…
But I didn’t sit down for Whitman. In fact, we shot a little video of him busting out his new, white light-enhanced set (with backing from pals Jon and Rich).
You can hear Whitman’s uniquely powerful catastrofolk this Friday night…click the link or check out the info below.
Oh DJ Marijuana Weed (that’s him on the left—read my interview & see the videos). You took some pills and drank some Joose and got real wasted…and you still fuckin’ slayed every other DJ I’ve heard recently (apologies to Kyle, on the right).
Weed, you’re a stud on the laptop. And taking naps on the floor during a show? Now that’s a party.
Then Baltimore’s 400 Cloaks played and I gotta say, they were one of the most impressive performances I have seen in quite some time. Again, a Lucky Dragons comparison (you know, quality ambient electronica-meets-playful and high tech visuals) might be in order here. But 400 Cloaks urpassed the LD benchmark with their purposeful techno and meandering pixelated video kaleidoscope. I really don’t think this translates well to the online world…You have to see 400 Cloaks jam in person. Which is probably why I spent this past weekend trying to convince them to move to Los Angeles (I think they are gonna do it). Cross your fingers.
Finally (this was a pretty fast show, believe it or not) Let Go Of The Rail rocked out. It was worth the wait…It was like they were playing a medley of all the music AND the visuals we experienced during the course of the night. How do you play visuals? LGOTR does that somehow. Occasionally fuzzy, sometimes cinematic, their tunes ebb and flow like all great psychedelia should.
A big shout out to everyone who attended, and to the performers. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
And don’t miss this very important benefit show, happening Friday, May 14 at a special location:
Sean Carnage presents…
“Long-time underground music supporter Abby Wollman was recently injured at a show and broke three teeth. Despite the fact that she has dental insurance, she still has to pay $1,300 to have them fixed. This event was organized to help her come up with the money to make that happen.”
Cockwind Akousdix (an unplugged version of your favorite gay Hawkwind band!)
Clark 8
At the Coop, 1417 W. 36th Place in Los Angeles
8 PM / $5 (or more if you’re feeling generous)
I hope to see you there!
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