New photos & homosexual new show this Monday!!!
Nasty Germans! Umlauts! TV stars!
This Monday, October 26
Sean Carnage presents…
Noisy Pig (from Berlin)
Joey Casio (Olympia, WA)
David Liebe Hart (TV star)
Ordnungsamt (Berlin)
Güf Trüp
Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
See you there?
This past Monday was creepy and disturbing and had really cool music…thank yous Anna, Mikhai, Pehrspace, and all the bands: Mikki & the Mauses, Art of Bleeding, Single Mothers and Spellcaster…so so rad. Thanks, peoples.
Check out the photos!
Single Mothers
Art Of Bleeding
Mikki & The Mauses
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