This was a rad, rad show at the end of a long and wild holiday weekend. I think everyone was pretty much like me—totally pooped—but we all drew together for one last hurrah… and it was a marvelous night.
Kid Infinity is an up-and-coming MC and DJ combo (with Erik Anaya on lights—rad!), and Ryan (the MC) has some great songs and pretty stylin’ delivery. I already booked them again for October 27th, so get your dancing shoes ready!
Carcrashlander probably would be the kind of band you would more likely encounter in a bar. They are from Portland, are a bit older, play like pros, and they rip out some loud cryin’-in-your-brew kinda songs. But what sets them apart is the amazing range of emotions they conjure up with their songs—and their tendency toward jarring dissonance. I was very very impressed by these guys. They took a style that’s kinda more mainstream, and injected it with a ton of originality. Kudos!
Alexis Gideon played guitar with Carcrashlander and, geez, why is this guy not the #1 guitar player in America!? He fucking rocks!!
Alexis was up again after that with his new “video opera”—a twenty minute story that he animated and then sings and plays live. Wow! Sooo incredible on every front. Alexis did a Monday Night residency last year when he lived in L.A., so it was great to see/hear him again. He is a superb individual, and he should be really proud of his newest creation. The audience was spellbound.
Last up was the new noise supergroup A Thirst for Blood Rockin in My Dick featuring Kyle Mabson and Cole from Cock in Black, Doug from Birth!, and Narin from Narin. This was the rambunctious, punishing, take-no-prisoners “bro noise” that has been so lacking lately on the scene (since the demise of Deep Jew, etc.). These four screamed and yelled and punched and kicked and shoved and rolled on the floor, totally annoying everyone (in a great way). Yeah… ATFBRIMD=awesome.
This Monday, we are gonna get really freaky. So bring your lover, take off your clothes, and shake your nappy dreadlocks to the powerful NOISE…
This Monday, September 8th
Sean Carnage presents…
Guns ‘N Broses
Sex-S CD release… over 2 years in the making… you will be SHOCKED by its greatness!!!
Adventure (from Baltimore, MD)
Future Islands (from Baltimore, MD)
Show starts 9:30pm / all-ages / $5
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Echo Park
See you there…
Kid Infinity!!!
Alexis Gideon on guitar!!!
Alexis Gideon’s video opera!!!
A Thirst for Blood Rockin in My Dick!!!
Friend Chau and his man Ronald (from France, lately of Berlin)!!!
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