This past Monday was thoroughly—sensually—overwhelming. Musically, aesthetically and attendance-wise, the bands and performers blew the place out!!
Mitchell Brown was the guest Monday Night curator for the second week in a row, and his vision was undeniably potent. The bands he chose and the records he spun were the best of the best. Thanks, Mitch, you brought a lot of new music fans together in a way they have never come together before! This show had a particularly smart and energized audience.
Health was just incredible—can you believe that just two years ago they couldn’t hardly get a show here in L.A.? Now, thanks in large part to their huge cadre of Monday Night supporters, they are busting out all over the world. We won’t see them in SoCal for many months, but I for one will be following news of their tour online. The four-piece’s sublime fusion of hardcore noise, equally hardcore rock and trendy dance sounds and image are a great advertisement for the diversity and awesomeness of our lil’ scene.
Oscillator also blew the crowd away—but with with soaring, optically driven white noise and non-stop percussion. This band was really fucking good!!! Ben is in To Live and Shave in L.A. and Nick is in Crooked Cowboy, Rose for Bohdan and Anavan so this shouldn’t have been a surprise… but, again, WOW!!
Rick Potts of Dinosaurs with Horns created hypnotic, overlapping musical clouds of samples and noise as if he was deconstructing the show before it even happened! DJ Mahssa was superb. Her selections of slinky, vintage Middle Eastern funk were spot-on. And Everybody, delayed by several band members that were pressed into service backing a jazz vocalist at the Echo, ended up being the perfect closer. People didn’t stop dancing until nearly 3am when I finally said “Go home!” I’ve been exhausted all week, but this show was sooo worth it. Best show ever?
Last but definitely not least, our hero—Monday Night sound dude and my right-hand man with the shows—Kyle H. Mabson… Well, he hated how he sounded this night, but sometimes performers are not the best judges of their performances. I thought what Kyle did was amazing. And I don’t say that just because he’s my friend. I’m a grump sometimes so I’m not gonna butter him up if he sucked. On the contrary, I think that Kyle’s stew of old and new music, high and low culture, noise and visceral dance music, humor and grimly serious aural attack are at the pinnacle of something very special—something that really sets L.A. music circa 2008 apart from scenes in other parts of the world. And that something is FUN! Yep, it’s a crazy mixed up environment here in California—in the USA and in the the 21st Century in general—and Kyle’s got his finger on the pulse. We need music to be fun above all else. That’s what we’re all here for right!?
Don’t miss this week’s show, with plenty of solo and acoustic weirdness to mangle your brain…
This Monday, February 18th
Sean Carnage presents…
Anni Rossi …magical viola accenting the most gorgeous songs
Mad Gregs …impeccable sonic tapestries hanging in dreamland
Joseph Davancens …imagine a unicorn playing acoustic guitar
Team Andrew …where punk rock, Chicano heritage & pizza all collide
Jim McCray …break your brain, let loose the sorrow
Ema & the Ghosts …haunted ukulele & accordion
Show starts 9:30pm / all-ages / $5
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Echo Park
Photos below by Eva, me and Ken Lee… Check out Ken’s web site
Okay… See you at this week’s show?
Rick Potts of Dinosaurs With Horns!!!
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Kyle H. Mabson!!!
Mitchell Brown… His two weeks as Monday Night curator were an incredible success!!!