Cleveland rocks out to 40 BANDS 80 MINUTES!, Prole Art Threat, Tony Erba & Clan Of The Cave Bear!!!
Holy Shit! I just had an amazing time in my old hometown, Cleveland, Ohio.
Just this last Thursday, March 2nd, I screened 40 BANDS 80 MINUTES! at Parish Hall there. Clan Of The Cave Bear, Tony Erba, and Proletarian Art Threat provided the musical entertainment.
The place was packed!
It was overwhelming to see and talk to so many old friends. So much so that I neglected to take as many photos as I could have/should have. It was a series of magical moments, and that’s hard to document.
In any event, know that this event was a HUGE success in large part because of the massive effort of Stephe DK. (I added his link to SeanCarnage.com so check it out—he has photos and his story of the night.)
So many Clevelanders told me how inspired they felt after the movie. We have a great thing going here in L.A., and on Thursday night, Cleveland was cheering us on.
I must admit that I’m a bit emotional today. It was hard to leave again 🙁
I want to write about my whole Cleveland experience, but, for now, here are select pictures from the show. I am gonna put up some Tony Erba VIDEO (!!!) very soon. Watch for that and a photo log of the rest of my trip in a few days.
Meghan & Stephe at the City Grill… It’s great to be home!
Trotsky, the Parish Hall cat
Stephe DK created this mural to advertise Parish Hall’s new 9 hole indoor putt-putt golf course…. fucking cool!
Playing the course
Dare Waves Neal!
The Host Of the North Coast: Peanuts!
Peanuts and Mike Reilly (yeah!)
The awesome crowd… 85 people showed up for the screening and show combo
The Terminal Tower & John Petkovic
Clan Of The Cave Bear (coming to L.A.: Monday, April 19th w/ Anavan)
Proletarian Art Threat redux… Ron K. on guitar… wow!
Stephe DK—the man behind the whole shebang
Steve Mehlman from Pere Ubu and, like, 1001 other Cleveland bands… awesome fucking drumming, Steve!!!
Ed Sotelo on base… another prime mover behind this event
Prole was better this night than ever before… they really killed… it was so rad
Stephe was on fire!
That’s me with Ryan, who hosted us at Parish Hall… Ryan and the Exit Stencil label/collective are doing amazing things in Cleveland!!!!
Ralf & Ron…. yeah!!!!!!
Matt Damn K and Trotsky
Hole in one! Thanks, Cleveland, for the great screening & show 🙂
Glad you came home, old comrade. It was great to spend time with you again.
L.A. you are so lucky to have Sean. Take good care of him or all us drunks from Cleveland will come out there and steal him back!!