First of all, a huge HUGE thank you to all the musicians and music fans and friends who packed Il Corral this past Monday night. I am sincerely grateful for your support 🙂 It’s becoming a weekly ritual… like something out of a Jodorowsky movie. I love it!
Things to report:
-The Sean Carnage Monday night motto is: the show ALWAYS goes on. I have hosted Monday nights at different venues. I’m selective about who I collaborate with, and I don’t feel I’ve made any mistakes in that department. Jim at the Smell, Turtle and Tumble at Zamakibo, Bob, Christie, Stane… they’re all really nice and super into it. I *choose* to be at Il Corral because I like the energy and the people. It suits me.
-Il Corral is forever. Recognizing all the hard work EVERYONE has put into the space, Cory, Stane, Burgess, Christie and I had a great meeting Tuesday night. We will be carrying on and moving forward.
-All Il Corral shows will split the $5 entry this way: 40% to performers, 40% to venue, 20% for promoter (that last percentage is split 50/50 with sound bro for Mondays). I’ve used that formula for my Monday nights at Il Corral and Zamakibo, and at Speak In Tongues in Cleveland. It works.
-We’re buying a new PA. If you can lend a power amp or speakers, it would be appreciated, especially for this week. We have a basic vocal PA.
-The PA fund is at $698 and climbing. To everyone who has made paypal donations: we got your money and it’s in the fund. You rock.
Thoughts from this past Monday night:
It is two days later and I am STILL humming Captain Ahab songs.
I couldn’t photograph Ahab Jim because he was in the middle of so many dancers!
Health played some new material… One song sounded like thrash and made everyone go crazy. It was really gratifying to see so many people rocking to this amazing band.
Fag Bashers… They’re two bros cutting loose tossing some kegs, having a great time. If you missed them, you are most likely a total wuss. If you enjoyed them, guess what? You’re a wuss, too.
Bad Latino and Yabloki jammed… they sounded great! Bob and Kyle were a sick, jazzy nightmare. Yabloki had a riveting singer and danceable tunes. Veddy veddy nice.
DJ Margot played records and everyone did a little polka.
Jan. 22nd
**New band night!** See and hear new bands
I CAN’T READ …New Collapse/Marfa + Ne-Af supergroup
BIRDS OF EVERY FLAVOR …Dalton from Robin Williams On Fire + fiends
SMOOTH GROOVES …Kyle Cock In Black & Josh Debaser
JOHN THILL …Whitman collaborator/Quem Quaeritis
LOST BOOKS OF THE BIBLE …The Fuse and Holy Curtain folk
and, in honor of Miss Amanda Panda’s birthday… Ms. ULTRAVIOLET!!
Music, as always, will be DJ Z Kyle. (Who else spins Slipknot and Justin Timberlake at an indie collective? It’s a weird scene.)
We will be serving birthday cake.
Show starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages. Il Corral 662 N. Heliotrope Dr., Los Angeles.
See you there?
Okay enjoy the photos…
Comrade rock: introducing Yabloki
Bad Latino… good?
DJ Margot Totally Mag! got everyone to polka
Fag Bashers… Havisu jock noise!
Bro’s before ho’s
Best hat of the night!
Captain Ahab!
Thank you, Kyle!!!
Fag Bashers new LP! Thank you Eva and Brian for the vinyl. I got the CD from the band—it’s spray-painted on both sides.
I had a really great time at JSN’s Shakey’s birthday party on Friday
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