New Il Corral Photos: Mae Shi, Health, The Pope, Creekbird, The Lights & Daniel Francis Doyle
Last night’s Il Corral show was a huge success any way you slice it. Not only was it the most highly attended show I have EVER hosted, but it also had some of the best music. Anyone ignoring Daniel Francis Doyle, Health, The Pope, The Lights or the Mae Shi does so at their own risk. This is some of the best music being made in 2006!
Speaking of the best music: I am really proud of the show coming to Il Corral this Monday night, November 20th. This week’s line-up is like a who’s-who of visionary new L.A. musical talent.
Do not miss Whitman, Nosajthing, Knight Rider, and Creekbird, plus two awesome bands from Portland, The Vonneguts and The New Bloods. Here’s a link to The New Bloods’ music. Sounds cool, eh? I like it.
The show is all-ages/$5/starts 9:30pm. Music and sound by DJ Z Kyle. Il Corral, 662 N. Heliotrope Dr., Los Angeles.
Until then, check out the photos below. Thanks for coming everyone! It was a pleasure to host such a superb show:
Daniel Francis Doyle’s one-man band from Austin, TX
The Pope
The Lights
Creekbird lecture #2!!!!
Health returns to L.A.
The Mae Shi materialize in a cloud of smoke
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