12 new groups debut this Saturday at L.A. Lottery League’s Big Show
Last month 48 Los Angeles musicians—from 27 different groups—were chosen at random by the Council of Chiefs to form 12 new bands.
This Saturday they play out for the first time.
Experience it. And get involved. Volunteers & equipment are still needed.
Experience the simultaneous debut of 12 new L.A. bands!
This Saturday, Feb. 26 at Project Infest
Doors: 8pm
Bands start: Promptly at 9pm
—There will be 2 stages all night—
Admission $5 / all-ages
New bands include members of 27 groups mixed at random to create:
9:00 Lottery Curse
9:15 Medieval Babes
9:30 Double Double
9:45 No No Jammers
10:00 Purebreeds Don’t Bite
10:15 P.O.P. (Positive Outreach Program)
10:30 Fubbx+fn
10:45 Magii
11:00 Fooly Cooly
11:15 Big Wuddup and the Tiny Little Wuddups
11:30 First You Were There, Now You Are Here
11:45 Brohammer
• We need volunteers (must arrive 7pm, stay until 12am)
• We still need equipment (must arrive by 7pm 2/26):
-1 good quality guitar half stack (amplifier & cabinet)
-1 good quality keyboard or PA head (we have 4 x 12 cabinet)
-1 good quality keyboard amp (head & cabinet)
-Two bass drum pedals (high-quality, standard type)
• We need people with HD cameras to film (must arrive by 8pm 2/26)
• We need photographers (must arrive by 8pm 2/26)
Email sean@seancarnage.com if you can help
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