World premiere video: Big Whup “B.O.N.I.Z.H.E.A.R.T. <3 <3 <3″

Some quick facts about Big Whup

• The group (Drew Denny, Jenna Eyrich, Geoff Geis, Morgan Gee, and Rand Voorhies) are releasing two videos simultaneously tonight.

• Big Whup stayed true to their roots and filmed exclusively in Elysian Park, at Pehrspace, at the Sweat Spot, and their own abode, Girlhouse.

Big Whup dictate their video aesthetic (with help from director Kate Gill)

More Big Whup Facts…

Jon Barba, Corridor, Essay, and Johnny O’Donnell can add “actor” to their Wikipedia entries after cameo roles with B.W.

• Big Whup’s prop list (partial): handmade pinatas, “famous dictators from history” costumes, a “well-worn stuffed Pegasus…and lots of underwear”

• These two songs comprise Big Whup’s first vinyl single, which quickly went to #2 on KXLU after being self-released on May 1 to a capacity crowd at the Smell.

• And did I mention the party is TONIGHT!?

You are finally playing Monday night at Pehrspace. How is everyone in Big Whup doing?
Drew: I’m not doing very well cause I just watched my dad die. But hey I also just finished my first artist residency in the Netherlands and have a photo exhibition at Sundance film festival in January.

Morgan: Woah! I’m doing well. Drew and I moved into the same room at Girlhouse and Jenna is moving back in which is pretty exciting. All three Whup girls under the same roof!

Geoff: I’m looking forward to Christmas.

What are you premiering, and are you happy with how the videos turned out?
Morgan: I’m happy with the way both of the videos turned out. “Cover My Eyes” is really sweet and a bunch of our friends are in it.

Drew: For “B.O.N.I.Z.H.E.A.R.T. <3 <3 <3,” Kate Gill met with with Morgan and I after she saw us play at the Silverlake Jubilee, and we all created the concept together. I knew the idea was ambitious but it turned out even better than I had imagined! We made the heart-shaped piñata and the costumes at Girlhouse, Kate choreographed the dancers, tons of friends came out to hula hoop for hours in the sun… It was really a home made family project and I couldn’t be happier about how it turned out.

Read the full story & see behind the scenes here

What other clips will you be screening and can you tell us a bit about each?
Drew: To celebrate the release of our music videos and to mix the video kids up with the music kids, I curated a reel to take the place of a fourth band. The collection features a great group of artists, musicians and filmmakers—some I’ve known since film school at USC, some from the Echo Park music scene, some from CalArts.

One video features a female capuchin displaying some classic mating behavior inspired by Justin Timberlake. Another is about nature, starring a very sexy leaf. One artist lives in New York and documents clever public art pranks. The reel reads like a video mix tape of music videos, video art, short films. Two videos taken out of context might not seem related but as a whole the collection is quite fun and fairly gay. I wanted to create a screening that would bring together a group of people and a body of work that share our aesthetic sensibility, sense of humor, and a political/social awareness that tends towards the absurd rather than the dogmatic. That’s what Big Whup is all about!

Please write down the first word that comes to mind when you think of Kid Static, Peter Pants, David Liebe Hart & Adam Papagan:
Drew: Electricity, pee, puppets
Morgan: Public access, peanut butter, public access
Geoff: Monday.

Watch Big Whup bill mates, David Liebe Hart & Adam Papagan, in “Season’s Greeting!”

What’s next for Big Whup?
Drew: Record release, South by Southwest, slumber parties.

Where can people go to get your music?
Morgan: Our 7″ is for sale at Origami and Amoeba and other record stores.

If you could pick actors or musicians to play Big Whup in a video, who would play who?
Drew: I would like to be played by Michael Pitt.

Morgan: Jabberjaw!

Watch Big Whup’s “B.O.N.I.Z.H.E.A.R.T.” music video, directed by Kate Gill

Additional credits:
Cinematography by Patrick Meade Jones
Edited by Eliot Dewberry
Production Managed by Nathalie Curtis
Choreographed by Stephanie Jamieson

Learn more about “Boniz H.E.A.R.T.” (the single) & watch Big Whup’s ultimate naked videos

Read an interview with Whupper Geoff Geis about his Obamaporn

THIS IS REALLY NAUGHTY: See our President naked & worse!

Oh, and don’t miss Big Whup tonite!

Sean Carnage presents…

A premiere party for Big Whup

Kid Static
David Liebe Hart & Adam Papagan
(from Tim & Eric Awesome Show Great Job!)
Peter Pants

Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages

Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Echo Park

RSVP for the event

Add SEANCARNAGE.COM for concert info & more

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