5 years of Monday Night jams: A chat with DJ Kyle Mabson
“Sean Carnage Monday Nights” could just as easily be “Kyle Mabson Monday Nights” and I think everyone who attends on a weekly basis knows why. I can host shows without Kyle, sure, but they are never quite as fun. Mabson brings the energy, the flow, the dancing. It’s always been this way (well, not since the very very beginning, but close).
From the first moment I met Kyle (he told me the sound sucked and I was playing “old man jams”…that bratty kid grr), I knew that he knew that Monday Night is a special time. And he taught me that you need great tunes and clear sound to get the party going and keep it going.
The show must go on. That’s been the theme working with Kyle.
But the other day I realized: I’ve never explicitly asked Mabson exactly why he does what he does? Why keep coming back Monday after Monday for five years?
I did not know Kyle H. Mabson, aka DJ Kyle or DJ Z Kyle or… (fill in the blank with absurdist DJ name here) when I started programming the best of cutting-edge music and performance every Monday, but I’m sure glad I know him now. I think Kyle’s best at explaining what he does, so without any further ado…
What was the first Monday Night you went to?
I believe it was Halloween ’05. Think it was Laco$te, Halloween Swim Team, Anavan, and Explogasm?
What was your initial impression?
I thought it was awesome. I had been to Il Corral before this but didn’t remember it being as fun and lively as the Monday (duhh).
What did you think needed improvement?
Stane doing sound was annoying for the whole running of everything. Wasn’t “party” enough.
When and why did you start getting involved?
I booked a Monday night in March or April of ’06. I think it was Your Mother’s Lover, Faux For Real, Mad Happy, Books on Tape, and Captain Ahab…I started doing sound shortly after that.
What was a night that got you hooked on CD/iPod DJing on Mondays?
I remember the first time Abiku played at Il Corral. They insisted that Stane put on the Aqua CD they brought. That was pretty inspiring
How would you describe your musical style?
Too gay for the gays/too heavy for the blogs.
What are some of Monday Nights’ greatest hits?
Aqua, Alice Deejay, all mainstream rap radio. Funny ’90s alternative rock songs that only me and Sean think are funny.
But you were just a “soundman” until recently, right?
When did you start using this new system? Started DJing at the end of shows using Ableton Live at the end of last year, ’09.
What has it meant artistically?I can mix some retarded shit you would never hear together anywhere else.
What can Monday Night attendees expect form your 5th Anniversary set?
It’s a surprise. But definately some funny transistions you would not expect.
Anything you are working on that you’d like to plug (please include links)?
Oh christ. Started a new blog! Real artistic.
Group or musical style that you would like to see have a career revival:…?
Primus should play Pehrspace. Quem Queritis should get back togther. More heavy less reverb.
Watch DJ Kyle Mabson & Monday Night concert-goers sing a classic jam (above)
Do not miss this once in a lifetime show…
Monday, August 2nd
with special guests
12am Guns ‘N Broses
11:30 Justice Yeldham
11:00 Nero’s Day at Disneyland
10:30 Mincemeat or Tenspeed
10pm Fleshtone
+ DJ Kyle Mabson & guests TBA
Please join us in celebrating this momentous occasion!
Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
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