David Byrne at Pehrspace?! Watch the video
If avant gardist and former Talking Head David Byrne appeared at Pehrspace he would undoubtedly change his music to fit the occasion. And he would sound totally different than if he appeared at The Smell or the Hollywood Bowl.
Well, Byrne has some very intriguing theories about the important relationship between architecture and music, and he lays them out for us in a new video which is absolutely required viewing for musicians and music fans alike.
I think my favorite part is when David Byrne talks about show spaces that were similar to CBGBs—and he’s not talking about their rank in the rock venue hierarchy, or their influence on the music scene.
No, Byrne’s comparing the size and sound of the venues. As someone who promotes concerts at multiple places, I’ve thought about this—and maybe you have too (Joe Carducci‘s written about the subject). But I have never heard anyone relate such succinct and well-researched observations until now.
Check it out.
And check out my favorite location to hear music in this Monday, June 21:
Sean Carnage presents…
NASA Space Universe
Shearing Pinx
Nu Sensae
Bad Party (Detroit, MI)
Starts 9:30pm / $5 / all-ages
Pehrspace—325 Glendale Blvd., in Historic Filipinotown
See you there?
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