The International Noise Conference 2010 totally slays L.A.
Photos: Mikhai Tran
So we did it. 12 bands..maybe more? In less than 7 hours?!
Brain is fried. But soul=GOOD. Great show tonight!
Here are some photographic highlights from the International Noise Conference 2010, at Women house, in Los Angeles, CA, 4/7/10:
Legg Lake?? Did I mess up here? I BBQ’ed…
Pedestrian Deposit
Vampire Pussy fuck yeah
Moment Trigger
The Laundry Room Squelchers
See more International Noise Conference L.A. 2010 here
More in-depth reporting (and video) soon!!
I have to say that was my favorite show at women! Please have more!
there was some annoying guy with a video camera,